Chiropractic for Pregnant Women

Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy

Many women who experience lower back pain while they are pregnant or just after pregnancy wonder if chiropractic can help. More importantly, they have concerns as to the safety of chiropractic care during and immediately after pregnancy. This article will give you information and an introduction to chiropractic care and pregnancy.

Almost any woman can attest that pregnancy changes the body a lot. As the child develops in the womb her body must adapt and change. The abdomen enlarges and the lower back carries more weight. Additionally, the pelvic bones and joints loosen and widen to prepare for the birth.

Pregnancy and “Pinched Nerves”

Many pregnancies, while not completely comfortable, proceed with no significant problems. However, sometimes as the soon-to-be mother’s abdomen increases in size the back starts to sway more. Resulting in postural changes, and stress on the joints of the spine and pelvis. This can cause the joints to misalign or move improperly causing joint and/or nerve irritation. Many times women who present this complaint to their obstetrician are told they have “pinched nerves.” Regardless of the term used to describe the pain… chiropractic treatment for lower back pain has been shown to be effective in handling the discomfort.

A chiropractor is well-educated in studying the anatomy and physiology of the pregnant female. While in chiropractic school and during their on-going continuing education they are trained to take care of pregnant patients.

Help for Sciatica & Leg Pain When Pregnant

When a pregnant patient visits a chiropractor they will discuss the important factors related to the condition. Next, they’ll check for any tender areas of the lower back and gently feel for muscle spasms and swelling. Evaluating posture can also reveal a lot of information. If the woman is experiencing pain down the back of the leg they may have sciatica. The chiropractor will evaluate to determin if it is related to the sciatic nerve. This will include testing muscular strength, reflexes and if sensation to touch is normal. In addition, to performing other specific tests for signs that it is sciatica. Of course, a pregnant woman would not be x-rayed.  X-rays for a woman who has already delivered can be very helpful in providing important information though.

Decreased Pain During Delivery

Once the woman has been evaluated many, if not most women, can receive gentle, safe chiropractic adjustments to correct misalignments. Thereby correcting improperly moving joints of the spine and pelvis.  Which helps take the pressure off the nerves exiting in those areas. The chiropractor’s methods are gentle and tailored to accommodate pregnant patients’ needs. Many women find their pain, even during the delivery of the baby, to be reduced due to their chiropractic treatments. Often times chiropractors also provide advice about exercises and lifestyle. So the patient can do things on their own for the stresses and problems related to pregnancy or post-pregnancy.

Of course, should the chiropractor find that treatment is not suitable for a particular patient they will let that patient know and will suggest an alternative which is suitable.

Article by Jame Schofield. To learn more about chiropractic care in Pittsburgh please visit Dr. James Schofield’s website here: Pittsburgh Chiropractor. Article Source: Article Source: