Partner Now


Time Zone



“Proud Sponsor of”

If you love chiropractic and you just want to help. That’s great!


Become and supporter. Gifts and financial donations of any size or type are greatly appreciated.


Help help chiropractic by contributing unique non-promotional content which will which fits in logically with chiropractic and will have good value’s audience. Unless otherwise requested all content contributions will receive author credit and your inclusion on’s author page.  


“In Cooperation with”

We are open to discussing any worthwhile revenue sharing and or mutually beneficial partnership arrangements which fit in well with chiropractic and is in someway good for the chiropractic community. 


A cooperative arrangement with is possible when it’s  mutually beneficial.  It may allow you to receive promotion for your chiropractic related products or services at a discount, or in some cases we may forgo the fees entirely for a worthwhile revenue sharing arrangement or in situations which will provide substantial promotional value to

Fee: Possibly none, if value is at least equivalent.


Companies that are willing to offer exceptional deals on products or services which will have a great benefit to chiropractors and their patients may qualify for an Affiliation Partnership with Affiliate partners may offer discounts or other things which have a significant value to chiropractors, patients, chiropractic students and others in association with

Fee: Possibly none, if substantially valuable and unique.


“As Seen on”

Low cost  

1) Suppliers Directory Listing

A listing for your company in’s directory for chiropractic suppliers. Includes the ability to list your company’s name, address, phone number, website, email, social media links along with a description of your products and services. A reciprocal link from your company website is all that is requested to maintain the listing after it has been added.

Fee: Free creation when combined with paid promotion.

2) Suppliers Directory Featured Listing

A featured listing in’s directory for chiropractic suppliers. Includes everything a standard listing does but receives priority positioned above non-featured listings in search results. Featured listings will also include a company highlight in the suppliers directory blog.

Fee: $600 Annually

3) Sponsored Content

Sponsored content, also known as branded content, or native advertising can be submitted as an article, news or opinion piece about you, your company, school or your product or service. The cost is based on the word count and for no extra cost will include a featured image which should ideally be a 800×450 optimized JPEG.  More images which are relevant to the post can be added for $50 each. Be aware that any words in the images will add to the total word count.  The process… you create what you would like posted and send it to us for review and when approved you make the payment and then it will be published on For SEO and other reasons posts need to be at least 200 words, any less if approved will still be charged for 200 words. The post will remain active for a minimum of one year. As perk all sponsored posts will continue to remain active so long as you continue to sponsor new content, have an active featured listing, or an endorsement arrangement with

All sponsored content will be identified as: “Sponsored content approved by”

For logical reasons we reserve the right to refuse any content for any reason, and we are very selective about what we are willing to take as sponsored content. So please inquire before submitting anything. 

Fee: 50¢ per word including any words in the images.


 “Chiropractor Approved – As Seen on” / “Endorsed by”...

Product and service endorsements from are available for products and services which provide significant benefits to patients, consumers, and or chiropractic doctors. Endorsed products and services will be qualified to promote their endorsement on their products, in their promotional materials and during their various marketing efforts. This communicates to chiropractors, potential chiropractic students, current chiropractic students, chiropractic patients, and other consumers that your business, products and or services have our trust.


1) Landing Page

Your company, product, or service will have an endorsement from which may be used on your product and or product packaging in combination with a prominent endorsement landing page on the website, which you may link to, advertise and put into your promotional materials.

Fee: $6000 Annually

2) Full Section

You have full control of your own section of Essentially it’s your own website running as a section of with unlimited posting and page creation for your business, products and services.  This is a powerful tool for serious promoters of chiropractic and health related businesses, products and services. It’s meant for those who want control their own portion of for reaching and interacting with chiropractors, potential chiropractic students, and health conscious individuals. 

Fee:  $60,000 Annually


Exclusive endorsement is for top companies who are significant supporters of the chiropractic profession. Exclusive  endorsement by is only available for companies with the highest quality products and services.

Fee:  Individually Negotiated

Partner NOW is committed to encouraging people to make better decisions for the wellbeing of all living beings.  To this end special considerations will be made when partnering, promoting and endorsing products, services and groups which are exceptionally good for all life on our planet. Including but not limited to things products which are which are vegan / plant-based, equal opportunity & non-discrimination, peace and non-violence causes.