Sciatica is a series of symptoms that is caused when the sciatic nerve (the largest nerve in the body. The sciatic nerve runs from the bottom of the spinal cord passing through the pelvis into the leg. A misaligned spinal segment in the low back can cause pressure on the sciatic nerve. This can be caused by any number of factors such as an automobile accident, or a sports injury or even pregnancy, to name a few.

Sciatica is most commonly referring to pain that starts from the low back and travels through the buttocks and down the leg, sometimes all the way to the foot. There may be lower back pain associated with the same spinal dysfunction. It is also possible though to just have pain in the buttocks and running down the back of the leg with no lower back pain. The sensation often feels like pins and needles, tingling, numbness, burning. Additionally muscular weakness and shaky legs are also common symptoms which a sciatic patient might suffer. The pain can often persist for days, weeks or even months and even possibly years. The intensity of pain and symptoms varies from one patient to another.

Chiropractic is One of the Most Effective Treatments for Sciatica

It helps in easing the low back pain and the nerve pain without using any medication. A chiropractor initially checks the medical history of a sciatic patient and performs a thorough exam to get the clearest picture possible of exactly what is going on and how to address it.

Chiropractors realign the vertebrae to there proper position and free the spinal column of restrictions. This helps alleviate the pressure on the sciatic nerve. After the spinal adjustment, the pain and discomfort may lessen, if not completely dissipate and disappear. Because no drugs or surgery are used by these chiropractors, the negative side effects so often associated with drugs and surgery are no longer a concern of the chiropractic patient.

Overall, chiropractic treatment is found to be very helpful and effective in dealing with sciatica or sciatic nerve pain. Regardless of the reason for sciatic pain, studies show that a chiropractor will provide you the most effective method of treatment in recovering from your sciatica.

Initially, leg stretching can be quite painful for a  patient with sciatica. Because the actual problem in most case is originating from the lower back and not the leg itself. So as you’re improving your chiropractor will likely suggest chiropractic stretches for your lower back. Stretches you can do as home therapy to speed the recovery. Eventually, you should be able to stretch your leg without pain and ultimately return to your normal activities.